What We Do

Support Educational Outreach across Clallam County

Master Gardener Foundation of Clallam County

Central to the Master Gardener Mission is to provide horticulture and environmental stewardship education within our community. In order to reach as many people as we can, we provide this education free of charge.
As a land grant University with many federally funded programs, Washington State University is restricted in what activities they can fund. Hence the need for this Foundation.
Below is an overview of the programs we fund here in Clallam County.

Ask a Master Gardener

Have a gardening question? Ask a Master Gardener at one of our in-person or on-line plant and insect diagnostic clinics. We staff three clinics across the county with trained volunteers who will help you get the answers to your pesky gardening problems.

Our Foundation funds all the research materials and free handouts required to make our Ask a Master Gardener clinics a valuable – and free – gardening resource in Clallam County.

Demonstration Gardens

We operate the Woodcock Gardens in Sequim. This is our living classroom where we deliver several of our programs such as our Digging Deeper Saturday series and our Woodcock Walkabouts. In addition, our gardens are a place where you can informally tour to pick up on gardening ideas, we demonstrate composting, raised bed gardening, flower walls and much, much more.

Our Foundation funds all the expenses it takes to run this fully functioning garden. Everything from tools to seeds and soil, from pots to irrigation infrastructure. It takes a lot to run these gardens, but we believe that getting hands-on with gardening is the best way to learn.

Community Garden

It is in Community Garden that many people get their first experience with growing their own produce. In order to speed the learning process, Master Gardeners mentor new gardeners in the Fifth Street Community Garden in Port Angeles

Our Foundation helps to fund some of the operating expenses of the Fifth Street Community Garden.

Protecting Roadside Vegetation

The Master Gardener project team independently assesses the County’s weed control efforts against their annual plan. They confirm that native plants are not impacted and provide input and assistance on improving native plant communities to help our precious pollinators.

The Clallam Foundation provides the funding to help ensure that invasive weeds to not overwhelm the borders of our freeways.

Youth Gardening

Master Gardener volunteers host a garden club at the The Boys and Girls Club of Sequim and of Port Angeles. Master Gardener volunteers host a 4-H Garden Club at the Fifth St. Community Garden.  Kids work alongside Master Gardeners to learn sustainable gardening methods and grow healthy fruits and vegetables.

Clallam Foundation funding helps to make these programs free, so more kids can experience the joy of gardening.