Master Gardener Foundation of Clallam County

The Master Gardener Foundation of Clallam County (MGFCC) is a non-profit volunteer organization that serves the people of Clallam County on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington. The mission of the Foundation is to educate individuals in applying horticultural science to manage their landscapes and gardens in a science-based, sustainable manner, and to utilize Demonstration Gardens as resources in this pursuit. The Foundation accomplishes this through its partnership with the Washington State University (WSU) Master Gardener (MG) Program, local community professionals and organizations.

What’s Happening Now
2025 Home Orchard Series
Are your fruit trees not producing the way you think they should? Growing trees that give you fruit of exceptional quality and flavor can be challenging here on the Olympic Peninsula. Join Clallam County Master Gardeners Tom Del Hotal, Keith Dekker and Gordon Clark for the 2025 Home Orchard Series with classroom lectures and hands-on workshops covering skills and knowledge for optimal fruit tree performance.
Additional Information
Getting the finest fruit involves selecting the top varieties for your particular growing area as well as providing the best care for your trees. This special series of classes and workshops offered by the Clallam County Master Gardeners and the Olympic Orchard Society will provide up-to-date research-based information for sustainable fruit tree care. Whether you have one fruit tree or many or are thinking of planting new trees or a small home orchard, join us to learn how to get the best performance from your fruit trees!
Classes and hands-on workshops begin January 22nd and run through June 7, 2025. Registration is $10 per class/workshop or $45 for all offerings. Register early! Classes are limited to 100 participants and workshops are limited to 50. Click here to register and for a full list of class/workshop descriptions and locations.

Green Thumb Lecture Series
We hold a regular lecture series on seasonally appropriate gardening topics. Held at noon on recurring Thursdays. We have set the series up so that you can attend online via zoom or in person at the St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Port Townsend.
A convenient and efficient way to get your gardening fix. And… it’s free!
Upcoming Events
Events Across Clallam County:
We host a wide range of events across the county and throughout the year. Check in regularly to see what’s coming!
- Educational Outreach: The Green Thumb Lecture Series & Digging Deeper Saturdays.
- Garden Walks at both Woodcock Demonstration Garden & Fifth Street Community Garden
- Spring Plant Sale: coming the first weekend in May
- Garden Tours: Petals & Pathways
- … and more. We look forward to seeing you at some of our events.